Fly-in Moose Hunts at Howey Bay Resort – Northwestern Ontario
Howey Bay Resort has been offering high quality moose hunting experiences for bow hunters for the past 15 years.

Our belief in providing first class service, facilities, equipment and hunting areas, in combination with expert, professional and personable guides and support staff, has resulted in memorable experiences for many of our guests. During this time period we have been associated with Alex Gouthro who has guided the development of our hunting packages and worked hand in hand with us to ensure that our guests had memorable experiences.
Alex has just produced a DVD called “Gouthro’s Moose Madness Quick Fix for the Hunter” as a follow-up to his original four part Moose Madness DVD. I believe this tremendously high quality presentation is by far the best on the market today! We believe that the more knowledge and understanding that a hunter has will result in the hunter having a more enjoyable experience.
Guides are available on a limited basis. Our guides are highly experienced bow hunters who love the wilderness, have a high degree of respect for all wildlife and enjoy being with other hunters. Please note the rate sheet for the cost of guides. Many of our guests combine hunting with mid day fishing. Bring fishing gear along to add to your experience. All of our bow hunts are fly-in experiences. Your party is the only party on majority of our lakes.